What are tasks in HubSpot?

Understand how creating tasks can make your entire team more efficient and close more deals.

Within the HubSpot portal, a sales professional or any individual working in HubSpot can create tasks for a specific day and time. And it's extremely important to create, edit, and complete each task because they can trigger automated events to make life easier for everyone. 

The most common tasks that are created are follow-up events for sales professionals such as making a phone call, following up on a proposal, sending an email to an old prospect, etc. But, it's more important than just remembering to do task "A" and then task "B". Each time a task is completed (as a marketer) we can program automation to streamline additional marketing messages or to assist in the sales process. 

How to make your sales process more efficient. 

For this example, let's assume that a new lead comes in through a contact form - Jane Doe - on your website is requesting a quote and sending all the right buying signals. This is a great deal and you don't want to miss out on the opportunity, correct?

Automated Task and Follow-up

As soon as the website visitor hits submit, a notification is sent to the sales team and/or individual to follow up with Jane Doe with the appropriate contact information (email, phone, etc.). 

Let's assume sales professional Sam gives her a call, but he has to leave a voicemail. Sam would check off the task to contact Jane, log the call, the result of the call, and create another follow-up task.

The use of a CRM -  such as HubSpot - provides the tools and resources to make everyone's life easier.

Now, since we know that he did not connect with Jane, we want to make sure she knows we want to earn her business and we want the sales professional to be successful too. A series of automation triggers will happen since he did not connect: an email about the services offered with referrals or reviews left by customers with a link to book a meeting on Sam's calendar. If Jane opens on the email and takes any action - clicking a link, click to call, etc. - then the sales professional will be notified immediately to call Jane. 

Various triggers can be used such as time, lifecycle stage, deal stage, geographic area, and much more to create a highly personalized experience for your prospects and customers.